Thank you for visiting the most comprehensive site for information on The Bermuda Triangle including access to rare historical information. Who knew what the CIA & Navy had on The Bermuda Triangle? Explore the history and the mystery! The most current news, live web cams, awesome videos, and much more!
What is the Bermuda Triangle? The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devil's Triangle and is an area in the Atlantic Ocean noted for the paranormal and mysterious disappearances of ships and airplanes. Heavily trafficked by sea vessels and aircraft, the region covers over 500,000 square miles (over 1,294,994 square kilometers) of ocean area.
Where is the Bermuda Triangle? The Bermuda Triangle is the area between Bermuda, Miami, and Puerto Rico. Many sea vessels and airplanes are said to have mysteriously vanished without leaving any wreckage or bodies.
(see a list of recorded incidents)
Who first documented the Bermuda Triangle? In his four voyages (1492, 1493, 1498, & 1502) to the New World, Christopher Columbus reported anomalies traveling through the area. Columbus wrote in his journals that the ship's compass stopped working and a fireball, possibly a meteor, was seen in the sky. For fear of panicking the crew, Columbus did not mention the problems with the compass.
Why do so many tropical storms and hurricanes pass through the Bermuda Triangle? The Bermuda Triangle seems to attract bad weather on a grand scale. Fueled by the warm current of the Gulf Stream, the region is beset by frequent tropical storms and hurricanes. Is it the regional weather patterns? The Gulf Stream supplying heat energy to the storms? Or something else yet to be plausibly explained?
How deep is the ocean in the Bermuda Triangle? Few people realize the deepest point in the Atlantic Ocean, the Milwaukee Depth, is in The Bermuda Triangle. Within the Puerto Rico Trench, the depth of the Milwaukee Depth is 27,493 feet (8,380 meters). What lurks in the darkness of the trench?
The Bermuda Triangle
Edward Van Winkle (EVW) Jones from the Associated Press, published an article in the Miami Herald titled Sea's Puzzles Still Baffle Men In Pushbutton Age. (September 17, 1950, page 6F) He described the unexplained disappearances of aircraft and vessels in the Atlantic Ocean.
George X. Sand penned a piece called Sea Mystery at Our Back Door, (pages 11-16) published in Fate Magazine. Sands reported a number of mysterious disappearances that occurred in the Atlantic and is the first person to outline the boundaries of what will eventually be called The Bermuda Triangle.
Allan W. Eckert wrote an article on the disappearance of Flight 19, lost somewhere off the coast of Florida and the Bahamas, called The Mystery of the Lost Patrol, (p.12-13, 39-41) published by the American Legion Magazine.
Vincent Gaddis, a prolific paranormal writer, is credited with formally creating the term "Bermuda Triangle," in a short story published in the magazine Argosy, called The Deadly Bermuda Triangle. (p. 28-29, 116-118)
Gaddis greatly expanded on the Argosy article and that research became Chapter 13 in a book called Invisible Horizons.
John Wallace Spencer wrote Limbo of the Lost, a book about The Bermuda Triangle. Two years later, a documentary called The Devil's Triangle, was released.
As a renowned linguist who spoke eight languages and writer of the paranormal, Charles Berlitz popularized the name in his book The Bermuda Triangle. Berlitz graduated magna cum laude from Yale University and spent 13 years in the U.S. Army, working the majority of his service in Military Intelligence.
He was a avid writer on paranormal phenomena and wrote several books on Atlantis. In The Mystery of Atlantis, Berlitz claimed Atlantis was real, and claimed to have located Atlantis undersea in The Bermuda Triangle. He was also an ancient astronaut theorist who believed that extraterrestrials had visited earth.
1975: In The Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Solved, research librarian, journalist, pilot, and cooking with popcorn aficionado Larry Kusche, believed he debunked Berlitz’s book as sloppy investigative work and nothing paranormal.
1980: Kusche expanded on a chapter and wrote The Disappearance of Flight 19. He postulated that the flight leader, Lieutenant Charles C. Taylor, an experienced WWII pilot and veteran of several combat missions in the Pacific Theater, erroneously thought he was in the Florida Keys. A reason why Taylor said over the radio that his compass had failed, and why no wreckage was ever found. The theories are all unproven and just add to the mystery of Flight 19's disappearance in the Devil's Triangle.
(see The Bermuda Triangle Mystery - Solved on Amazon)
(see The Disappearance of Flight 19 on Amazon)
2015: Kusche wrote a 40th anniversary article on his book for Skeptical Inquirer Magazine: The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Delusion: Looking Back after Forty Years
Over several decades, many theories behind the disappearances have been postulated. Aliens from outer space (UFOs), human error, Atlantis, sea monsters, freak localized storms, time warps, reverse gravity fields, wormholes, black holes, magnetic anomalies, waterspouts, ghosts from slaves thrown overboard, and underwater eruptions of methane gas from the ocean floor. No theory or combination of theories has ever been proven.
The Bermuda Triangle moved into the mainstream culture through thousands of books, news stories, magazine articles, television shows, science fiction movies, documentaries, and blogs.
See The Bermuda Triangle links below for recent and historical news, major works, along with multiple theories ranging from UFOs to the paranormal. Click on the links below to learn about the following:
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